Helping People with Various Health Conditions Using
Natural Therapies and

Naturopathic Medicine is very powerful because it comes down to the basics, to the roots of where it came from: food, movement, sleep & joy.

  • We eat the wrong foods (we think we eat the right foods). These days you need GPS to know what to eat.
  • We do not move as much as we need.
  • We don’t sleep enough or may be too much, or not at the right time.
  • We have very little joy as we are highly stressed.

Our lives are highly complex but comes down to the
above pillars of health.

The complaints we have can be brain fog, memory issues, fatigue, poor stress management, feeling overwhelmed, allergies, breathing is not as easy, frequent infections, pain and aches, digestive issues, chronic cough, and feeling as though their body is breaking down. Most of us tend to find an explanation why we feel this way.

Why do we develop:

  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Kidney disease
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Fertility issues
  • Male and female reproductive health issues
  • Memory issues
  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Post-Covid fatigue
  • Cancer

The number of diseases that are out there is enormous. This isn’t right but it does come down to the experiences we put our body and soul through.

What is amazing though that we are perfect creations and body can be often forgiving, to some extent, regardless of toxins, stress and poor lifestyle.

The mind remembers everything that has happened and is recording what is happening to us right now; in some cases we reach a breaking point. This then becomes a disease.

In our clinic we dealt with a lot of conditions listed above because in the end it comes down to why, “why me”?

Improvement and Management of Health is the focus of our work.

Naturopathic medicine is covered by a large number of extended Health Care Plans

Naturopathic medicine can address the following issues:

  • Incorrect and improper diet
  • Reduced absorption of nutrients leading to the reduction in some functions in the body,
  • Correction of reduced content of nutrients in our food,
  • Chronic infections that go unnoticed by the body due to reduced functions
  • Allergies and sensitivities such as allergies to mold, fungus, foods, plastics, spike proteins etc.
  • Detoxification
  • Poorly managed chronic persistent stress
  • Immune system modulation
  • Unresolved trauma etc.

Our Clinic is Certified for the Use of Intravenous Therapies (IVIT)

We offer various natural therapies, including:

We utilize science and medical intuition in our therapies.

Naturopathic medicine is covered by a large number of extended Health Care Plans

The clinic also offers services of biomagnetism, osteopathy and psychotherapy